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On 05/04/2011 06:49 AM, James Walker wrote:
Sorry I was not around for the last one, I am marking my calender now for
the 16th  I should be able to be around then for it.


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 8:21 AM, Marc Paré<>  wrote:

Hi everyone

Thank you Drew for presiding over the 1st NA-Community meeting. It was
great to meet and to get familiar with our IRC tools. We had great
participation from everyone.

During the last meeting, we had agreed in principle to meet every 2nd
Monday of each month. As we still have a few outstanding items from our
first meeting, we had agreed that May 16th would be a good date to meet
again, and, from there on, we would meet on the 2nd Monday of each month.

I've created a Doodle[1] for that day. Let me know if you have any other
suggestions about anything.




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