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On 20/03/13 14:00, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Maybe somebody with deeper insight into the Writer code can resolve that 
      if (GetTextPortionType() == PORTION_RUBY_START &&
-        !rPropertyName.compareToAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Ruby") ))
+        rPropertyName.startsWith("Ruby")) //TODO: startsWith or ==?
the Ruby is handled in a very special and ugly way, because there is no
UNO service for it: for everything else in a paragraph the
SwXTextPortion has a single property to retrieve the service instance,
but Ruby exists as 4 properties on the SwXTextPortion itself which all
start with Ruby, so startWith is correct (if perhaps too general) in
these cases.

removed TODO in b19c601bc4e4700b9d193a86795424e847759b4b


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