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On 10/03/2011 04:48 PM, Chr. Rossmanith wrote:
One improvement suggested by Norbert on IRC: using OUString instead of
::rtl::OUString. What is the preferred syntax

using ::rtl::OUString at the beginning of the file and OUString
throughout the remaining source code


::rtl::OUString everywhere in the source code.
I would stick with a pattern that does use a namespace prefix (i.e., 
"rtl::OUString" rather than "OUString").  Even if it is slightly longer, 
it helps avoid ambiguities should one of the #included headers in the 
future drag in another entity with the same plain name (probably 
unlikely for "OUString," but it does happen, cf. rtl::Reference vs. 
com::sun::star::uno::Reference; another measure against this is to 
explicitly "using rtl::OUString;" instead of the more general "using 
namespace rtl;").  The initial "::" in "::rtl::OUString" is probably not 
really worth it, more noise than of practical value.
But there's a lot of personal taste involved...



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