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On Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 05:59:53PM +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
      Sure - although my ideal flow for a (Windows) newbie here would be:

      * download 'something'
    (actually, Visual Studio can directly clone git repos, so manual downloads shouldnt be needed)

      * load file in Visual Studio
      * ctrl-shift-b to build ... <wait>
    E.g. in Kdevelop and QtCreator have global build targets. It should be
    trivial to add to MSVS if someone wants to take ownership of that.

      * click the green triangle to debug ;-)
    Certainly works for kdevelop and used to work for MSVS.

So for C++ targets this already works with essentially just (native) GNU make.
Its all the other plumbing that is causing the pain.

      Where of course that 'something' would need to be constructed by some
tinderbox / slave, and (ideally) contain everything not easily buildable
with the IDE already pre-built =)
Ok, who is going to finally kill scp2, the horribly icon-theme scriping, UNO
registry generation plumbing etc. for good? (With kill=port to plain C++ tooling).

      Personally I'd see this as an entry mode: once people have the
satisfaction of seeing their work 'working' they can graduate to
installing cygwin, and <insert other pain points>. Clearly there would
be nothing authoritative about it etc.
That would assume to use a pregenerated autoconf output then (as autoconf need
essentially all of POSIX and then some). Possibly -- but not without its own
pain points (ask any Sun engineer, this is was how StarOffice builds were like).

      AFAICS - there -should- also be no need for cygwin, LODE, or anything
else in this world ;-) just a single download.
Well, we sneakily use various bits of sed/gawk/gperf/perl/python/zip/tar/... in
various corners of the build. Killing those and replacing them with GNU make
and plain C++ would be good, but is quite a thankless effort. I agree though it
would be appreciated to make the build easier to bootstrap. 

tl;dr: First kill the POSIX deps sprinkled all over the repo[1], building a bit of
C++ libs isnt the issue.  All the plumbing around it is.



[1] FWIW, this is why I used a C++ executable for "make gbuildtojson" stuff
    instead of some Python foo.


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