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Hey Andrew, Evan, Anant, all!

Andrew, thanks for providing the hint to Evan.

Evan, welcome to this list - and thanks for your introductions. One
thing I'd like to mention is that the developers are currently rather
busy with fixing what's broken today (a bit simplified, but true).

So other activities might be more effective - at the moment - to make
LibO better (as you stated your intention initially). For example, it
would be helpful to know what (new or existing) bugs are related to user
interface issues or behavior problems. There are some other tiny
activities that would help a lot as well.

Again, welcome to the Design list :-)


Am Montag, den 05.09.2011, 12:41 -0400 schrieb Andrew Pullins:
Once you make an account on the Wiki and you log in, you will see your user
name in the top left corner of the wiki.  this link is your user page, and
you can modifi this page to put your idea in. for example here is my user
page. hope this helped.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Evan Janusziewicz <> wrote:

I'm a bit new to this kind of wiki, so I hope you can help me out. Where
should I make my page involving my design ideas? Also, am I correct to put
about myself in my user page?

-----Original Message-----
From: anant verma []
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-design] Hey Everyone!

  Ideas are bouncing around in
my head and I hope to share them with the team. If this is the proper
way to communicate, someone please get back to me.

yes you have reached the right place. make a page for yourself on the
wiki of documentation foundation and tell a bit about yourself and start
posting your design ideas there and here on the mailing list and get
feedback. We all cherish same dream, not just better but distinguished.

anant verma

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