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Hi :)
The request for help was about a problem that other people had after a
Windows update.  The person asking for help stated that they were using

Solving a problem often requires pinpointing where the problem is to some
extent.  Sometimes it means trying a few things out.  In this particular
request for help the problem is typically the result of a full or flaky
hard-drive or a problem with the OS.  At this time, and given the
skill-level of the question we can probably rule-out 'obvious' hard-drive

So it made sense, in this case, to start pinpointing the issue by seeing if
fixing the folder's permissions in the OS solved the problem.

Apparently it did.  So it wasn't a LibreOffice problem (again) and was a
Windows problem (again).  LibreOffice often gets the blame when the problem
is really with Windows or MS Office.  Very few of the problems that people
ask about here have anything to do with LibreOffice itself but we usually
still manage to help fix the problem.

When there is a problem with Windows or MS Office users tend to blame
themselves for not updating enough, or updating too much or not having
bought the right version, or feeling like they should know better or that
they should have done some course or something or that they aren't using
the 'right' antivirus or that it must be because they are misusing the
computer somehow.  A lot of traditional technical support tends to
reinforce that "blame the user" culture or else they blame any
non-Microsoft thing or anything they are not familiar with.  By contrast we
tend to get the blame for just about anything however tenuous the link is
between LibreOffice and the problem.

So this wasn't about "Windows bashing".  It was about solving a problem
that happened in Windows and that appears to have happened to several other
people recently in Windows because of a recent Microsoft update.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 15 Jul 2017 18:36, "Concerned Citizen" <> wrote:

I find it quite disturbing that someone stating an issue and, perhaps,
asking for help leads to a thread of Windows-bashing...  This is
particularly interesting, since I don't remember LibreOffice being a
competitor to Windows - although it seems to have about as many scripting
languages as Windows has [Microsoft] development languages...

In any case, I have run into several issues with the suite on both Windows
(macOS, but let's focus on the former), from Hardware Acceleration and
OpenCL simply not functioning (at all - which is awful on a Notebook on
Battery).  To tons of issues with Styles.  To epic performance issues on my
Notebook stemming from those awful Liberation Fonts (disappears when I
change font to Times or Arial, etc.).  Bad font rendering in the
applications (thin, patchy looking fonts... like something on a low res
PenTile display).  And the fact that the apps perform worse than both
Microsoft and Corel WordPerfect Office (both of which I own, so I can do
1:1 comparison on Windows).

I won't even talk about Linux, because that is clearly off-topic, and I'm
not sure how you people have extended this to Microsoft and Microsoft
Windows.  Is there nothing better to do with your time, and do you actually
wish this to be a place where people can have civil discussion and give
feedback without fear of the "Tear Down the Competition" reflex you're
exhibiting, here?

For fixing Permissions in Windows, you can go to the top level and simply
propagate the permission changes down.  It's not difficult.  It's worked
that way for about 2 decades (since at least NT4).

On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
One problem, once and experienced by just one person rarely compares with
the problems that abound on Windows.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 Jul 2017 15:29, "Tom Williams" <> wrote:

On 07/09/2017 02:33 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
There was a Win 10 update that messed up the permissions in one of the
places i volunteer at.

I have no idea how to fix it.  I think we went through each individual
folder to reset the permissions but that sounds like a very
inefficient and highly error-prone way of trying to fix it generally.
Still, 'everyone' loves Windows.

Regards from
Tom :)
Wow. Craziness.   :)


"The Other" Tom

On 9 July 2017 at 17:46, Tom Williams <
<>> wrote:

    On 07/08/2017 02:56 AM, MICHAEL HELY wrote:
    > I am having trouble with this suite.   Normally I have been able
    to open, amend, and save a document without any problem.
    However, in the last week or so I can only open a document in
    read-only form.   To change the contents I have to open a copy for
    editing, save that under a different name, delete the original,
    and then rename the new document to fit in with my filing system.
       This is time consuming, and very inconvenient.
    > The only event that I can identify as a possible cause is that
    about the same time there was an automatic update to Windows 10,
    and there might be some incompatablity between the updated Windows
    and LibreOffice.    (I have since installed the latest update to
    LibreOffice5, but to no avail;  the problem is still there).
    However that is only a wild guess!     I would be grateful for
    your advice and a remedy
    > regards
    > M. Hely
    I have two basic questions:

     1. Have you confirmed the original file wasn't already "read-only"
        before attempting to open it?
     2. Are you opening files from the file system or directly from an

    These are things you have probably already thought of but I want
    to ask
    anyway.  :)   I've run LibreOffice 5 on a couple of Windows 10
    and have been able to open, edit, and save documents without issue.


    "The Other" Tom

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