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On 19.07.2015 03:25, James E Lang wrote:
The big discussion of Linux over the past 24+ hours has me wondering: What
operating environment(s) do other members of this list use at home and at
work? What factors influence the choice?

To set the tone, here are my answers:

• I am retired so "at work" is not applicable • At home we have a
desktop dual boot Windows XP (and Ubuntu Linux) computer, a laptop dual
boot Kubuntu Linux (and pre-installed Windows Vista) computer and several
other laptop, desktop, and dedicated server (Ubuntu Linux based) computers.
I also have Android Lollipop, Android Kit Kat, and Android Jelly Bean
tablets and phones. I have nothing from Apple. • Windows XP is used
primarily for single player gaming and e-Sword Bible software though it
also is used to run LO, FireFox and Pegasus Mail (proprietary though free
of cost). • Kubuntu Linux is my general purpose "go to" environment. My
first Linux system used what I believe was the penultimate marketed version
from SuSE before the first release of Open SuSE. I liked the flexibility
that was inherent in the KDE desktop environment and found the UI to be
quite similar to that of Windows at the time. I have briefly tried Gnome
and Unity desktop environments but KDE is my personal first choice. • If
I had a tablet computer that I thought could support my Linux usage it,
too, would run Kubuntu Linux, LO, etc. • Apple equipment is too expensive
for me and from what I've heard about the company's software policies, they
are too restrictive to suit me. • Dual boot capabilities are seldom used
to deviate from the above information. • The BSODs on Windows influenced
my initial adoption of Linux.
My 25 Cents:

- - Main machine: 3,8GHz OctoCore with 32GB RAM, running CentOS7 and LO
- - Notebook: ThinkPad T410 with CentOS7 and LO; also as database server
for Base Applications (MySQL)
- - Windows Gaming Machine: SixCore with 16Gigs and Win7Pro, LO 4.4.x for testing
- - Sun Solaris 9 on UltraSparc III (Sun Blade 1000 DualCore), for automated
testing (not active anymore)
- - and countless virtual machines with different Windows and Linux versions for


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