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Hi Ashod, all,

is this the same as tdf#92305 [1]?
If so, it is not gtk3-related and has already been (bi)bisected (s.
comment 8 in the bug report).

Best regards,


On 2015-08-11 11:02, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Sun, 2015-08-09 at 14:39 -0400, Ashod Nakashian wrote:
Has anyone else noticed painting/refreshing issue in Writer in 5.x ? 
(Quick bugzilla search returned nothing relevant.)

The issue is highly reproducible. In book or two-page views, scroll 
_up_. Scrolling down doesn't reproduce the issue nor does single-page 
view  (AFAICT). The issue also seems to manifest on the left pages 
only. It's random and clears on zooming/scrolling. However selecting 
doesn't help, and it shows like a ghost selection (see attachment).

If this isn't known, I can create a bug and bisect.
Before you bisect, check if its gtk3 related by testing with the gtk2
backend with

./soffice ...

if it still happens there then bisect makes sense.

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