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Sorry for them. I hope people get what they want.
And I wish one day every nation have a great goverment.
And Tom, I appreciate English people like you because you know what's going on in the world.
Maybe it's the English culture, I don't know. You live in uk, don't you?

On 28.01.2011 20:58, Tom Davies wrote:
Unbelievable news from Egypt!

We work hard to help people, organisations, government departments and others
communicate and give a new choice to help them do that.  Many of us live fairly
comfortably in countries that at least pay "lip-service" to the notion of
"Freedom of Speech".  Many of us see the struggle against proprietary formats
and programs as part of pushing at the boundaries of our current freedoms.

Try pinging an Egyptian server today and you apparently get no response.  From
12:34 am today the Egyptian government switched off the internet into or out of
the country.  Some but not many satellite communications and some proxy servers
are keeping a few things open.  Sms is down, twitter is down, facebook is down
while outside Egypt we hardly notice any of it.

Lets hope more lives are not lost there!
Regards to all from

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