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Hi Thorsten

Thanks, I will try to check if we are compatible with others OpenDocument


2011/6/29 Thorsten Behrens <>

Arnaud Versini wrote:
I've seen this in the OOo bugzilla :

What's the difference between LibO and OOo for the svg image insertion in
Writter (not about SVG import)? OOo seems to include the SVG in a SVM and
LibO convert the SVG to SVM. Is it correct? I think there is potentially
interoperability problems with SVG between LibO, OOo and others.

Hi Arnaud,

fun, getting 503 from OOo bugzilla currently - so, we've merged the
OOo code for 3.5, and I'll see to change it so that we store real
svgs in the ODF package. This has some backward compatibility
implications, especially wrt vanilla OOo versions, but I consider it
the lesser of two evils.


-- Thorsten

Arnaud Versini


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