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Le 18/03/2012 20:53, Mark Stanton a écrit :
For my mailmerge I want to set up a conditional paragraph conditional
on more than one thing.

I've got a database field "Country", and if this is blank or contains
"Scotland" I want the paragraph hidden.

I *think* the condition ought to be

     NOT Country OR Country EQ 'Scotland'

but it doesn't work.  I thought blanks at the end of the country
field might cause a problem so I tried

     NOT Country OR 'Scotland' EQ Country

but that didn't work either.

The help states that the fields ought to be written as


but that doesn't make any difference either and the single condition
"NOT Country" does work, although it's insufficient for my needs.

Have I got my logic entirely wrong, or can the condition expression
not have more than one part?

You need double quotes and I guess parenthesis can help as weel, that is:

(NOT Country=="") OR (Country=="Scotland")

equivalent to

(Country<>"") AND (Country<>"Scotland")

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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