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Hi Matus,

On Sat, 2012-07-14 at 19:49 +0200, Matúš Kukan wrote:
I've pushed 10 more patches, all because I wanted to do the last one -
inviting people into MUC.
        Sounds really good :-)

- Inviting contacts is possible.
This seem to work. I also played with .service and .client files
mentioned in tubes/README.

And it works! I was able to invite a contact and after accepting in VM
in empathy, Channel Dispatcher has executed .../soffice --calc as told
in org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.LibreOffice.service.
I was thinking that it could run .../soffice --accept-tube, so we know
why Libreoffice is started and do something clever ;-)
        Yep; that's the idea I guess - we'd need to hack desktop/source/app/
cmdline etc. bits to pass through the identifier of the tube to accept,
and find some elegant way of plugging that into desktop/ I guess.

Also, what's not intuitive is that, when you select a contact and
press Collaborate, the account to which the contact belongs to is
connecting to
So not the contact you see in the dialog. Check in terminal.
        Oh - right; so we create a chat-room and invite them to it ?

Or more importantly: what should happen ?
  - when someone wants to start a session with us, he sends us file
and then we can start collaborating on it ?
        Yes - I think that's about right.

    There is no other case when someone sends us file ?
        There are some nasty cases I suspect when we loose the connection and
have local changes, and need to reconcile them, but - for now,
send-file-to-new-connector is the right thing to do I think.

    But still, after receiving new channel [4], I need to accept it,
receive the file and then bind the channel to that file ?
I guess I need to take a rest and think again later.
        Right; there is a need to associated XFrames - or SfxSomething's with
collaboration sessions I suppose that bit needs doing; of course we'll
prolly want protocol support for that; since conceivably we could
connect to the same user to edit two documents over the same stream; I
suggest generating some random UUID for that document when we start the

- I broke INTERCEPT=demo mode.
        Fine ;-) I'll fix it when I next need to demo things.

Should I start working on side-bar widget we can dock ? Any hints ?
        Sounds good to me, but as you say:

But I think that we need to improve receiving channels and files,
handle TeleManager properly and everything related.
        This infrastructural work is really badly needed, and it's great to see
you getting to grips with it ! :-) I would get the code structure, and
association between documents and collaboration sessions sorted out
first - as you suggest :-)

        Nice work,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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