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On Wed, 7 Sep 2011 15:32:21 -0500
Norbert Thiebaud <>

I wonder would that work dep wise to just have a packaging step ?
$(call gb_Library_get_headers_target,libthatneedsmesa) : \
$(call gb_Package_get_target,Mesa_inc)

Of course, we could create a new name for that, but IMHO that is simple
enough as is.

ok, fits in better with the other stuff.
but why not just
Some hope/anticipation that there may be more than one product sharing
the same spaces ?  not sure...
Not only hope, but actually a hard requirement. There has been this
other product which was closely related to OOo, you know ...

Also: solenv/gbuild was originally created to be project-agnostic, and
in theory the contents of that dir should be independent of the first
project which happens to use it. And gbuild needed to be able to build
multiple sources from independent repositories (without resorting to
dirty symlink tricks -- exactly the stuff that did bite us on cygwin





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