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With the word list system for LO's dictionaries, I have found no info 
regards how to used a two word combo.
All I have been able to do is have a word list in a .dic file withing an 
.oxt file.
Having a term with two parts, like your example, is something I have not 
found how to do.
As for creating a 20,000 word specialized dictionary, you can get with 
me off the list and I can help you create it.

On 07/05/2012 06:06 AM, Simon Cropper wrote:

Yeah, I have thought of both these things. Have hacked a standard file before, particularly in MS Word. Easily done assuming it is a text file and not a binary file.
The problem is the binomial. I also thought of the concatenation 
string but most of the single characters have been used for have 
special meanings in various word processors. Hyphens for example are 
used in LO as hyphens and so how would you know when removing the 
character at the end of your report is complete, what is a 
concatenation character and what is a real hyphen?
In other situations I have used =!= as a joining string but as stated 
it is messy and hard to read.
On 05/07/12 17:21, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think i would create a new specialist list and add 2 or 3 words to it. Then look for the file to see what format it uses and then copy&paste tons of words in at a time. For combined words i would add a - in the middle, eg "Eucalyptus-vulgaris" but i think that is a bit of a kludge.
There are probably much more elegant ways which others will probably 
go into and they may have good ideas about combined words too.
Btw i tend to use ' for sarcastic or cynical statements and " for 
quotes.  So
"it 'should' work" = it probably wont work but 'experts' say it will.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 5/7/12, Simon Cropper <> wrote:
From: Simon Cropper <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Specialty Dictionaries
Date: Thursday, 5 July, 2012, 7:14

Hi All,

I saw over the last month discussions regarding special dictionaries.

What became of this?

How easy is it to create special dictionaries?

Are there any resources regarding their construction? I know you can import 1 by 1 but I have 20,000 items to add.
Also are composite words addressed in these dictionaries?

I have need for a dictionary that searches for and matches binomials.

Say, fictitiously, I have a plant called 'Eucalyptus vulgaris', I want the dictionary to see the binomial not 'Eucalyptus' or 'vulgaris' separately. Both these individual words are quite common but the combo is unique (i.e. their are multiple eucalypts and multiple species with vulgaris as a species epithet).
-- Cheers Simon

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