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Hi all,
[sorry for the cross post, but I need you all on this]

I've finished to complete the feature list [1] on the wiki that Marc did upload some time ago (Cor you get the same but not complete and not sorted).
So, dear developers if you preferred feature is not there, add it to the 
page or shout at me ;)
Dear QA members, please also, use this list against RC2 to test these 
new or enhanced functionalities. We will have more formal TCS next time, 
but, we need your help to make sure every thing is ok and there is no 
Dear marketing people, I'm sure Italo will give you some guidance on the 
most important ones at the marketing level, but may be you can make also 
some proposal and design a page so that he only has to review it.
Dear localizer, I hope this will help you to test/check your 
translation. If you need more details or don't find a functionality, 
don't hesitate to ask on the list.
And finally, dear documentation team, I'm sure we will soon have good 
knowledge on how to use those new and unavoidable features our 
developers have designed with the help of your nice writings :-)
I would like to thank every body for the great work that has been 
already done and will be done for our first version all together :-)
Kind regards
Founding member of The Document Foundation

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