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Michael Meeks-2 wrote
      It looks lovely :-)
Thanks. I worked hard for that ;)

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
Preprocessor constant PRODUCT is replaced by !DBG_UTIL
      Thanks for that; does that complete that easy hack ? or is there more
to do there ?
Actually all use of PRODUCT was removed from the code (if I correctly
greped). However it may also be necessary to remove the definition of
PRODUCT. I was not able to understand clearly how it is defined. I found
some PRODUCT="" or PRODUCT="full" in core/config, but nowhere DLG_UTIL is
defined. So I preferred changing nothing.

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
 and what's next :-)
After this tremendous exploit, I think I need more easyhacks before looking
deeper into some interesting feature like improving trendline in chart.

Have a good day.

Laurent BP

LibreOffice 3.5.0
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