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Hello Regina,

Thanks for your answer, i really thought that the feature was missing in LOWriter. Actually i do have enabled the "Font Color" button, but when I'm working with a "T" Text Dialog, it disappears (LibreOffice for Debian). And for some reason i didn't find the solution (A) which works pretty good!

Kind regards,
Rafael Senties Martinelli.

Hi Rafael,

Rafael Senties Martinelli schrieb:

    I'm writing this because there is a *missing feature on LibreOffice
    Writer ( *. I wanted to post online on ask.libreofice but i do
    not have any of the proposed accounts. (most of them are non-libre
    software related..)

    *The missing feature:*
    When creating text dialogs with the "T" (text) Button, it is not
    possible to change the font color.

Why not? I have no problems with changing the font color. I know three ways: (A) Mark the word, click on the "Character" icon in the toolbar, switch to tab "Font effects" and select your color from the drop-down list "Font color". Instead of the icon you can use Format > Character or context menu > item Character as well. (B) Enable the icon command "Font Color": Right click the toolbar > Visible icons > Click on text "Font Color". Use the icon as usual. (c) Open the side bar in pane "Properties". Mark the text and use the "Font Color" drop-down list from the side bar.
I was surprised because in

    libreoffice impress it is possible to change the color. So a
    simple hack
    is to copy paste the text dialog from impress to writer.
    The text can be modified and the color will remain. Anyways, the
    is missing on libreoffice writer.

There are indeed some options missing in Writer which are available in Draw and Impress, for example formatting by using styles. But Font Color is no problem.
Kind regards



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