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On 12/10/2014 01:54 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 10.12.2014 um 21:43 schrieb Joel Madero:

I'll try to figure out what you mean by what you said - worst case I'll
just give up the macro and stick with the limited abilities of kmymoney
to do graphs and what not.

At least we know know waht you are talking about.
Using a database, it would be possible to connect LibreOffice to the
kMyMoney's underlying database and query any record set you want from
that database. The record sets could be used to fill Base reports and
spreadsheets without intermediate export/import files and with no silly
Basic code.
I extracted the kmymoney file and the info in it seems to be incredibly
conveluted, I'd be surprised if I could just bring it into base without
additional problems. Perhaps I'm terribly wrong though.


P.S. I'm trying to use this as a learning experience (without having to
become a basic professional)....just saying, this is supposed to be a
friendly/encouraging environment.

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