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Hi Olivier,

Olivier Hallot schrieb:
Hi Regina

Em 20/02/2016 10:14, Regina Henschel escreveu:
Hi Olivier,

Olivier Hallot schrieb:

Do you look for an "elegant solution" or do you look for a solution at all?
As short as the one exisitng, but that will not happen, I think.
I would start with a safe solution, for example using xsl:choose.

Browser Seamonkey 2.39 has no problem with attribute
In firefox this attribute is inocuous, and googling around, it is said
it will not be implemented.

What is your global goal?
- Learn xslt
Me too, so please do not expect ready solutions from me. But I would 
like to learn what you try and what works or not works.
- display xhp pages in browser for quick view.
I doubt, that you can get an identical appearance by pure XSL 
transformation. The internal help viewer understands the protocols and vnd.libreoffice.image:// which are needed to 
resolve embedding and images. You will need to create a replacement.
For you it will surely be quicker to compile helpcontent2. But for 
those, who cannot build LibreOffice such a tool would be great.
Kind regards

Kind regards


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