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On 12/25/2013 6:44 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Dragon's "Naturally Speaking" is for PC but has been ported to Mac
too.  Are you using Dragon on Windows?  I'm not sure if it makes a
difference but it might help to know if that is X.P., Vista, Win 7 or
Win 8 or Win 8.1
Regards from
Tom :)
sorry, forgot the --telepathy switch.  Fwiw the Mac it's called 
DragonDictate which is the same name they used the old discrete 
utterance recognition package for DOS back in the 1990s. Nuance is a 
silly company (the kindest thing you'll ever hear me say about them)
Windows 7 and I'm using vocola + a Python extension. I tried the 
following bit of code and I was able to bring up a single invocation but 
on the second call, I get an error message indicating that 
NaturallySpeaking can't shift window focus to LO. I'm looking into it 
further but it's possible that it's a bug in NaturallySpeaking.
def task_stamp_history():
    task_history_path = "C:/Users/esj/Documents/companies/esjworks/logbook"

    # does the path exist?
    if not os.path.exists (task_history_path):
        # build the entire path

    task_stamp = "task-history-%m-%Y.txt"
    localtime = time.localtime(time.time())

    task_fn = time.strftime( task_stamp, localtime)
    note_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(task_history_path, task_fn))

    if not os.path.isfile(note_path):
        fh = open(note_path, 'w')

    draname = "worklog"
drarg = "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\swriter.exe %s"%note_path
    # drarg = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Win32Pad\win32pad.exe %s"%note_path
    # print "%s %s" % (drarg, task_fn)
call_Dragon('AppBringUp', 'ssis', [draname, drarg, 1, "C:/Users/esj/Documents" ])
    call_Dragon('WaitForWindow', 'ssi', ['*'+task_fn+'*'])
    call_Dragon('SendKeys', 'ss', ['{ctrl+end}'])
    return ""

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