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On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 02:41:43PM +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 21/03/2020 12:28, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
I would like to start a discussion about the actual Boost baselines we
need to support on libreoffice-6-3, -6-4, and master.  Lacking any
communicated reason why a branch should support a specific lower
baseline, I would suggest we stick to the version of our bundled
external/boost on a branch as the baseline for that branch (and update
the AX_BOOST_BASE check accordingly).
Thanks for the responses.  So contemporary SUSE-based distros appear to
require 1.66, which is also the case for RHEL-8--based ones, while
contemporary Debian-based distros appear to require 1.67.
require? No. (My message was badly worded, though)

It *has* to work with 1.67. Which is what is done with 1.66 as baseline
which is OK for me then :)

I'm thus going to submit <>
"Set Boost baseline to 1.66, and enforce it" to master once it builds green.
(I don't intend to backport it to libreoffice-6-3 or -6-4 myself, but if
anybody sees a need for that, wouldn't mind either.)
Well, and then a patch gets applied in master and backported to -6-4 or
even -6-3 and breaks this again.... (-6-4 is where people noticed after

So yes, I think this should be backported.




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