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and the response from Caolan who I am sure pressed 'Reply-to-all'
meaning it went just to me :-(
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 04:59 -0600, Noel Power wrote:
Take the OSL_* family as the canonical ones, and typically replace the
others when them.
You mean to remove all those DBG_XXXX ones and all the fancy logging,
filtering support etc. or just the ASSERT(s) 
I'd be tempted to just have the OSL_* family and remove the DBG_* ones,
and convert the writer specific ASSERT( and ASSERT_ID( things to OSL_*
as well.

Does anyone use that dbgutil stuff? ( /me recall that maybe there is
some extra usage ( or is it just annoyance ) using that with windows )
I don't know anymore. I know that *I* never use it :-)

 Remove vos in total.
sure but that part of a different task, although replacing any instance
of VOS_ASSERT would be a start ( confusion reduction ) 


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