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On 2015/09/18 20:17, Jim Quinn wrote:
Sorry for just replying to email vs getting into LO and answering. Just too busy with huge biking event this weekend and am new using LO forums.
That said, if I understand that you want to copy the data from 1 
spread sheet file (1 or more rows/columns) and paste just the data 
into a file with different column/row formatting, then use the "Paste 
Special" option and only check the items in the "Paste Special" pop-up 
menu that you want.  Do not check "Format" and the column/row format 
will remain unchanged.
Of course, the number of rows/columns you paste into should equal what 
you copied.
-----Original Message----- From: Thomas
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 4:02 AM
it ALWAYS comes out with equal column width (+ the default height of the
new document).

Styles do not help either (as far as I can tell), since I could not find
any tab there, where I can specify column width + height.
No, it is just the other way around.
I want to copy a formatted row with column headers into a blank document.
AND I want the copied row look in the new document exactly as it was in the original document.
THAT is something Calc does not seem to be able to do.
I just tried that trick with Excel (which I usually do not use any longer) - and it works there almost as easy as in Lotus123.
I believe this operation cannot be so tremendously difficult, that it is 
sheer impossible to accomplish (in Calc) ...

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