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I did the complete duplicate on a new sheet and my data in the formulas
in the new sheet are corrupted.

I then stripped down the spreadsheet to make less sheets, and far less
columns and rows.

And, now, I can't even copy columns from one place to another, ON THE
SAME SHEET without corrupting the formulas. Each days worth of data is 8
columns, and I want to take the existing 1 day of data and make it into
365 days worth of data. So, that's far to much editing of the formulas
to be useful.

I will send my shortened/abbreviated spreadsheet to anyone who asks via
direct email, with some notes on the sheet.

I'm totally lost.


On 03/02/2018 04:26 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 16:03 02/03/2018 -0500, Bonly "Art" Bonly wrote:
I've developed a spreadsheet to manage my diet. I foolishly put
several groups of columns that belong on a separate page onto sheet
1.....complete with formulas, proper formatting etc. How do I move
the groups of columns and rows (with formulas and formatting info)
onto a new sheet? I can do it using the Paste Special command, but
the formulas come out all wrong, and would require a massive amount
of re-edits to produce usable results, most of the problems are the
It's difficult to know without being aware of all details, but here
are some ideas:

o Copy and paste using Paste Special, as you suggest, but tick the
Link option in the Paste Special dialogue. That way, the new sheet
will refer back to values in the original.

o Make a complete copy of the original sheet: right-click the sheet
tab and select Move/Copy Sheet... . Delete material from both sheets
as required.

o Use a careful combination of the above schemes.

If your spreadsheet is sensibly designed, correcting any formulae
should generally require attention only to one instance and the use of
the Fill function.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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