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Hi Charles,

charles meyer schrieb am 04.04.2018 um 22:19:
WordPerfect has reveal codes which display the numbers for a special
character so they're easy to find instead of scrolling down hundred of
symbols in a chart.

Ex. ►

Will any version of Libre Writer do that, including LO 6?
Yes, it is implemented at least since 5.4. The command is "Toggle 
Unicode Notation" and it has the shortcut key Alt+X. It toggles the 
character left from the cursor to U+number and back.
And in LO 6 a new special character dialog is implemented. It has a 
search field, where you can enter fragments of the Unicode name.
Entering the code point directly in the dialog does not work correctly, 
but you can enter U+number in the text and toggle it. If you have at 
least one font on your system, that has a glyph for it, you will get it, 
at least via font replacement.
If you only know the glyph, then you should use a tool, where you can 
draw the glyph and get the character. Such is not implemented in LO, but 
e.g. can help.
Kind regards

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