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My upload speed is about 120KB/s.

I wish someone from TDF would like to step in and offer to download [FTP] the files, build the ISOs, and upload it to a "parking" folder on their server[s] for the LO users to have access to.
I would be glad to give an FTP access to my server's LO folder - for a 
short time - if they would do that.
On 07/15/2011 12:26 PM, drew wrote:
On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 16:50 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
How quickly would it take you to download the newest versions from the
NA.US site?  Then make ISOs of them and upload them to your portal?
I don't know for sure is the most accurate answer.

If I copy down the directories from the server then there is
a large number of files that need to be removed.


Take what I have on my local disc, update the files needing updating
from and run that.

Either way a day at least. (meaning it's a couple of hours likely)

Then it takes a 1/3 of a day to upload the image at 140KB/s

so - realistically late tomorrow or Sunday morning sometime there could
be an image up on lo-portal for download, would be the earliest, IMO if
I'm pushing the keys
- we would want to have multiple folks try it out, before moving it to
the TDF servers
( perhaps via the parking lot? I don't really know off hand )

They are the most up-to-date versions with the most up-to-date
dictionaries and such.

Next month, hopefully we will have versions from the CMS system, but now
we have versions ready to be used.
Well next month is 2 weeks by the way...*smile*

However I think that long before that - this weekend or, depending on
what I'm doing vis-a-vie the .iso from, perhaps as late as
Tuesday - the English pages should be ready for a first run of the
create script on that .iso image.

I (re)published 4 or so pages yesterday at:

There is some files missing from the template page - seems we lost a few
of the files over 32 Megs in size when I moved them from one directory
to another using the GUI drag n drop..maybe (likely) they are sitting on
the disc still, but I don't know, need to ask and either expose them or
send a copy to the parking lot again, this time with request to move
them to the correct location directly...

Otherwise most of the pages are pretty close to ready
- install page
-- java stuff needs linked
-- 3 misc links missing (pdf files)
-- 1 help pack missing under /assets/install/stable/3.3.3/

- Template page
-- missing a few files (mentioned above)

- use the default page for the 'English' menu item for the 'NA-DVD Kit'
items. ( Label art, Cover art, Insert(s)...)

and that's it..I think. Everything on that list, I would expect. should
be finished sometime today.

All other pages should be ready for review by folks now.


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