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If I have offended someone, I apologize; however, making negative comments about an OS is certainly 
not a personal
attack against users of said OS.  I could care less what OS someone uses, I am though, entitled to 
my personal opinion
regarding Windows, Linux, OS/2, etc.  That being said, can anyone deny that Microsoft has always 
made it difficult
for people to use any software that competes with something they offer?  Microsoft may control the 
world market for
desktop operating systems; that does not make it necessarily the best available.  Every iteration 
of Windows makes it
increasingly difficult for the average person to continue using their existing hardware.  My 
Thinkpad T30 works fine
with XP (my T20 works fine with OS/2), do you think it will function well with Windows 7?  
Microsoft seems to think everyone
has a bottomless pocket and can constantly upgrade their equipment.

Don, give me a break.

Brian Grawburg

-----Original Message----- 
From: "Don Myers" <> 
Date: 09/02/11 12:34 AM 
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT] Microsloth Winblows was: Re: Lotus Wordpro files 

I totally agree NoOp.

On 09/01/2011 10:04 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 08/31/2011 07:17 AM, Grawburg wrote:
Why not install Virtual PC?  I have a client who had to do this and
it works very well.

You have found one of the major deficiency of Microsloth Winblows.  I
I don't think that it's really necessary, or appropriate, to use the
above - particularly on this list. LO supports multiple operating
systems, Microsoft Windows being one of them. I use linux (also test in
MS Windows), and I don't find the need to slam other OS's in the
process. What OS the user selects is their own personal choice (we now
have that option).


Don C. Myers
e-PRO Certified by the National Association of Realtors
Manager, Farm and Rural Property Division
*Coldwell Banker University Realty
*126 East Foster Avenue, State College, PA 16801
Phone: 814-237-6543 Fax: 814-237-6502
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