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2016-10-18 15:38 GMT+02:00 nasrin khaksar <>:

does it mean that libreoffice which is one branch of openoffice, is
extremely secure and it does not have any security Vulnerability to
fix in the every new release version?

​No. As stated by others, LibreOffice and OpenOffice are two different
project, even if they share the same origin, and as such do things
Regarding vulnerabilities, they exist and get fixed, but these fixes are
just part of the regular development of the project. No need to highlight
them, except for some rare cases (I might be wrong, but some times ago such
issue was raised and discussed, I believe).

all versions are the same in security and its no different which
version i desire to use. is it true?

​Absolutely not. In fact, It is false for a lot of project. Security fixes
are part of a project, and are integrated in each new versions. Except for
projects that maintain a LTS version (or similar), backporting security
fixes​ to older releases is resource intensive. Some linux distributions
that maintain LTS versions of their releases might work on backporting
security fixes to older LibreOffice version, but it is dependent on them.

i use and wish to use 4.4.6, is it completely secure like the oldest
and newer versions?

Nope. Since older versions are not maintained, if a vulnerability is found
in a newer version it might affect older versions. It is recommended to use
either the latest version, or a long-term support one, as they are the only
one that are sure to get all security updates.

In general, there is little to no incentive to use older versions: newer
versions should not go back in term of functionalities, and get a lot of
bug fixed (not only security ones). If you have a specific issue with newer
version, it might be interesting to get it fixed instead of using an old,
insecure version.

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