I am new to Open source *.* (OS, environment, office, Banshee, wvdial, the works....)
I recently moved my excel spread-sheets to calc.
I am still going through files/features-check post the translation.
Most of the data, formula, and formatting are okay, fonts are better.
In the charts I observed:
1. The full worksheet as chart in excel are converted to embedded charts in those sheets (no full
2. Legends are peculiar. They are named as "column?" and not any text string that I would like to
Is this the way Libre Calc is implemented or I can get back to chart as worksheet in itself and
legends of my
liking without being restricted to the first column/ first row?
Also, is the system info below sufficient for posting here or anything more is advised?
Any pointers would be great help.
Viral Orpe
Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual Core E6600 CPU 3.00GHz
Memory : 4GB, DDR3
Operating System : Linux Mint 12 Lisa - Kernel Linux 3.0.0-13-generic (i686)
LibreOffice Version : LibreOffice 3.4.3 OOO340m1 (Build:302)
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] documentation for LO base (continued)
- [libreoffice-users] Help request on CALC charts' features · Viral Orpe
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