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Den fre 10 feb. 2023 kl 16:33 skrev ady <>:

If there is at least one space character _after_ the AND function,
then each edition of the formula adds one space character _before_

After several editions, you end up with the same one space character
after AND, but several space characters before it.

This behavior happens even when the first comparison does not exist:

 =IF(AND (....

To be clear, it is enough to have one space character after AND in
order to trigger the additional space characters before it, each time
the formula is edited. You do not need an initial space character
before AND for this to happen.

Without the space character after AND, the behavior is not replicated.
While the correct / expected syntax of the AND() function is not what
Steve used, the question is whether the "additional spacing" behavior
should be reported as a bug.

I think it should. Then it's up to the developers to decide whether or not
to do something about it. Maybe it could be set to low priority, though.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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