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thanks again for replying.

Am 05.12.2014 um 18:42 schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
On 5 décembre 2014 17:13:09 CET, Nino Novak <> wrote:
Am 05.12.2014 um 15:30 schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
Le 05.12.2014 11:37, Nino Novak a écrit :

See above - how much do you value contributing by just using the
At zero. Seriously.... very little value. And this is also why LibreOffice just like most other 
FOSS is available free of charge.
Ok, I see your attitude.

For me, every single user of LibreOffice is an appreciated contributor. He
contributes a lot of his time, he takes the risk of using "something
different" from the well-known, he invests a lot of nerves to get his tasks
done as many things work differently.

But I accept that our views differ significantly, and as far as I can see,
there's no room for convergence left. So we can stop our discussion at this


I am interested in this kind of feedback, definitely but I would like to
point out that users support is also a contribution. The question then is:
why do most of the people who provide users support are not members yet?

(Don't know. But applying for membership is an individual decision, so there
might be individual reasons for not applying?)


I do however believe we should consult our users on more topics; for
instance we have weekly polls on UX on Twitter and they help greatly.
Perhaps we should broaden their scope?
"consulting users" is a totally different point from giving them a stronger
voice. It's the contrary, so to speak. You want to get more out of them
instead of valuing them.

Well, try.


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