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I'd like to see this project use mediawiki

Jonathan Zacsh

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 19:52, Benjamin Horst <> wrote:
Thanks, Christoph. I've long been interested in wikis and the capabilitie
s they can provide, the data structures and usage patterns that tend to wor
k well, and the various wiki platforms available. I've read "Wikipatterns,"
 which is a book I recommend to others interested in this subject. Much of
its information is available on its website:
I am a fan of MediaWiki, but I think we should consider other wiki platfo
rms as well. My recommendation, in fact, is Foswiki (,
which forked from TWiki about a year ago, and is GPL 2.0-licensed. (Their e
xperience was similar to what we're going through with LibreOffice's birth
right now.)
Foswiki's got some advanced features that we could really use, including
separate "webs" that isolate major logical sections from one another (and a
llow different access permissions for each web, so that a Community Council
 group, for example, could maintain a private web for internal discussions)
. It offers a good WYSIWYG text editor, allows dynamic pages for things lik
e to-do lists, and has extensions that provide extra functionality. It also
 supports macros and forms that let you build applications within the wiki
itself, which would let us do some really cool stuff.
I've got a lot more to say on the subject, but don't want to start off wi
th too large a soliloquy. I'm looking forward to what others say on this su
bject as well.

On Oct 4, 2010, at 5:54 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:

Good evening everyone,

the subject already tells you, this mail is about Wiki improvements.
"What Wiki?" you might ask. Correct, there is none ... but if we want to
change that, it'll be great to know what we require. Once it is set up,
I'm confident that a reasonable structure will greatly help us.

I assume that our Wiki will be used by all kinds of community members -
being it users, all kinds of contributors, the final foundation people.
And it will be used for very different things, e.g. planning
conferences, documenting best practices, providing documentation. Well,
although there are still discussions whether we need team ABZ or XYZ ...
some topics can't be avoided to shape a complex thing like LibreOffice.

As far as I understand, many of you have a great experience to work with
tools like Wikis. Very good! And - also my hope - we will also hear some
voices who are less experienced. Step forward, and share your thoughts,
too, please! But how to get started ... I mean ... without a wiki to
document the statements.

My proposal is to collect some experiences when working with Wiki
content (not so much the Wiki system itself) ... what is good, what can
be improved? It would be great if you could explain why, e.g. "I always
find everything I need within a few clicks.", and stating what you
usually do (e.g. QA work). And you may add what you expect from a
website - being different from a wiki.

Just to give you an idea, I've picked some of the larger projects to
state examples. A certain size is required, since we are complex too ...
but we don't want to be complicated. Feel free to add any kind of
project you like to refer to...

     * Fedora Project Wiki
     * Gnome Live!

     * KDE Wiki

     * Apache General Wiki

At the moment, it seems appropriate to use this mailing list. But, I'm
sure we'll have a dedicated website list tomorrow or Wednesday latest.
So please also decide what to do ... discuss it here, or wait for the
list. It is up to us :-)

Thank you so much!


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Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)

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