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At 17:02 18/09/2015 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
I have (naturally) a number of sheets / files. Sometimes I want to copy let's say the first row, which contains all the names of the columns etc., to create a new document. (not ALL documents use the same format) Imagine there are 20-25 columns, most of which have different widths. But when I copy row No.1 from file A to a new file, no matter HOW I paste it there, it ALWAYS comes out with equal column width (+ the default height of the new document).
I think you are right.

In an ancient but VERY useful software = Lotus123 ...
I can't speak for Lotus 1-2-3 (which anyway has been discontinued).

If I understand the page: correctly, "Form control is selected Not supported" means that Calc is not able to do ...
I think the relevant entry here is for "Calc table or cells are 
selected", which says "Copies the formatting that is specified in the 
Format - Cells dialog as well as the formatting of the cell 
contents". That confirms that column width is not included.
I am also under the impression, that the "paint brush" works ONLY within one file, but not across different files.
I agree.

Styles do not help either (as far as I can tell), since I could not find any tab there, where I can specify column width + height.
That's right.

I think this all boils down to the fact that column width is a property of entire columns, of course, whereas the other formatting aspects that Calc is happy to copy may apply only to some cells in a column.
Is there a trick?
There are some workarounds:

o Select the entire sheet in the source spreadsheet: go to Edit | Select All or press Ctrl+A or click the cell at top left where the column and row headers meet.
o Copy.
o Paste into the target spreadsheet. Create a new sheet in which to paste if necessary.
o Delete unwanted material.

o Go to Insert | Sheet From File... .
o Browse to the source document and click Insert.
o Select the appropriate sheet to insert and the required position in the target document.
o OK.
o Delete unwanted material as above.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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