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Edwin Powell <> writes:

On Sun, 3 Apr 2011 19:00:26 +0000 wrote:

Can I convert works 7.0 files (.wps) to work with open office or any
other office program?
as far as I know, or LibreOffice cannot open .wps
files. If you still have Works on your computer, you might want to
save your documents as .doc or .rtf.

I haven't had occasion to try it with LibreOffice yet, but I have
opened a few .wps files in NeoOffice, which incorporates Go-oo code as
does LibreOffice. The only problem I had was that it strips out
formatting (double-spacing, centered text, etc.) so it's at best an
imperfect solution.
Works import is listed as a LibreOffice feature, see

Wikipedia also lists this as a Go-oo feature, which explains why
LibreOffice and NeoOffice have it,

But note that the OP mentions OpenOffice, not LibreOffice. Maybe this is
the real issue?

Or maybe Works has different file formats for different versions. After
all, that's the Microsoft way.

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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