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Le 2011-01-31 12:51, Andreas Mantke a écrit :
Hi Marc, *,

Am Montag, 31. Januar 2011, 10:28:25 schrieb Marc Paré:
Le 2011-01-31 04:12, Andreas Mantke a écrit :
Hi all,

there is currently no section for upcomming on the website. I think such
a section is very important because user of and potential contributors
to LibO can get in touch with us (face2face).
If there is not enough space on the website for such a section there
should be a very important link to another resource of the TDF with the
appropriate information (maybe in the wiki) (but I would prefer the

The list of events is found here:

But it seemed that the wiki-site is not very wide known inside (and outside) our
project. Thus there should be a link from the website to the event list ;-)

I wrote of my impression and thoughts to improve for marketing purposes
on the following thread:
I think that would be a good idea, but it doen't work with a link from the website.

There needs to be a good calendaring system. Is there a good calendar 
module for the CMS?

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