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Hi Jan-Marek,

Jan-Marek Glogowski píše v Čt 11. 12. 2014 v 15:59 +0100:

* KDE5 vclplug
    + working on it
    + when is the next release? (Jonathan)
         + 4.5 in 6 months
So somebody started a real KDE5 backend? From scratch or based on KDE4?
Because the KDE4 backhand has some limits. Most of the stuff in the
following list is implemented in the Gtk+ backend.
Yes, Jonathan (CC'd) has - at the Munich hackfest :-)  Initially he's
started with the KDE4 backend from what I know (it is always easier to
start with something that at least somehow works), but not sure what are
his next plans - Jonathan?

- No modal native dialogs
  LO VCL KDE4 doesn't use QWidgets, so AFAIK there is no way to
implement the modal for the file picker . Gtk+ wraps the LO widgets in
GtkWidgets, so modal native dialogs work.

- No native widgets
  LO VCL KDE4 basically just uses some painting methods to render stuff.
But we miss quite some stuff and others - like Oxygen menus can't really
be used. But the KDE4 plugin can reimplement the SalMenu, like Gtk does
to get the "real" background from the engine.

- Slow
  All drawing operations are performed on a single image and copied to
X. This image is always destroyed and there is basically no caching.
Gtk+ keeps a caching widget per type around.

- Use KIO
  Currently LO sets "X-KDE-Protocols=file,http,ftp,webdav". Even smb was
included for some time. But actually this depends on the native load /
save dialog settings, and even the VCL backend, because the KDE4 file
picker / VCL backend doesn't support neither smb nor webdav without KIO.

AFAIK there are still also Qt5 patches missing - same stuff that is was
fixed for Qt4, but also isn't in (yet).
All the best,

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