On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 09:30 -0800, Carl Symons wrote:
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 8:35 PM, drew <drew@baseanswers.com> wrote:
Hi Drew,
I had another thought about the DVD art.
If there is going to be a LibreOffice paper airplane
brochure/contest/??? at SCALE, what about adding to the DVD a line
drawing of the plane in flight with swoosh imagery, such as
http://zoompf.com/blog/2010/02/choosing-png8-candidate-images (under
Guideline #1) or
It would be simple, tie-in to SCALE, and is an image that fits with
LibreOffice and freedom.
Hi Carl
Thanks for pulling me back on this.
1st - no word back from the design group about the label (sounds like an
OK to me), although it was mentioned on one of the German language
lists. Bernhard seemed to like it - to be honest I like the green
background they are going to use for the LiboBox, using a TDF official
logo (not the contemporary [green gradient text] however), but it
doesn't work with the community logo which does use the green gradient.
It seems appropriate to include both ODG files and Ben's video on the
I guess you are referring to artwork for a disc cover?
As for the contest - I don't think it is that big a big deal, this is
gonna be a little fun break. I don't really want to focus on that too
much for artwork, it just distracts from the real message.
_BUT_ I would love to issue a screen saver type graphic with that idea!
Anyone want to give that a whirl - you can head over to the design list
and see if you can round up a graphic designer to help - and we can make
it available via the SCALE facebook page.
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