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Just out of interest, why would a db driver come into play? This is a
spreadsheet we're talking about.

The mention of db schema was merely to ask why Calc doesn't have
something like it.

And I do understand that a schema for calc would be nigh impossible,
spreadsheets don't have to follow any basic design principles, so
the spreadsheet would be the schema, but I suggested a simple list of
formulae as being useful.

And now that I think about it, the detective features could possibly be
expanded, first to work better across worksheets, second to allow
people to show all dependencies on a sheet at a time instead of per
cell, and third as some sort of "print preview", allowing a birds-eye
overview of what's going on.


On Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:48:36 +0200
Alexander Thurgood <> wrote:

Le 30/07/2014 08:37, Pat Brown a écrit :

Short answer : no.

As Tom has pointed out, this is db design functionality, and not Calc,
although nothing is stopping anyone from developing, say, an Addon or
Extension that might be able to what you are looking for - certainly
not trivial though, given that db drivers are notoriously bad at
(mis)representing their actual capabilities.


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