On 27.09.2011 10:33, Michael Meeks wrote:
Sure sure, so - I think Stephan has a point - that we ought to find
some way of enabling this for some set of people that can cope with it.
I suspect a good heuristic would be to have an 'auto' mode for the flag
that checks if you have git push access and if so enables -Werror, so
that old-hands get it automatically, and newbies don't suffer.
perhaps it can be enabled automatically for "known good" GCC versions,
e.g., on MacOSX; this should only be done for a specific compiler version
after successfully building everything with explicit --enable-werror of
for problematic GCC versions that emit spurious warnings it shouldn't be
enabled by default (perhaps use of such GCC versions should be discouraged?).
- Re: [Libreoffice] --enable-werror (continued)
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