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On 04/06/2014 05:04 PM, Urmas wrote:

When WordPerfect 5.x arrived, there was even the ability to display a
graphic preview (almost WYSIWYG) display of the printed output on a normal character screen - and this was available not only for DOS versions, but on a wide variety of platforms such as the then popular DEC and DG terminals.
You are trying to defend a text processor which stores text in a 
proprietary encoding in the obscured format. Comparing to this, MS 
Word which used easy and open file format was a clear winner.

I am not sure of my time line, but I remember only proprietary formats for early desktop applications and every software house had their own formats. The problem occurred because no one expected the problems with file type obsolescence. I doubt you can easily find a program that will open most word processing or spreadsheets from the before 1990 and you with some difficulty find one that will convert the old formats to a current one.
Jay Lozier

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