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Hello Kendy,

I have seem them, but Ahmad is not answering anymore and to Caolan I sent
the project, but he said it would take too much time to struggle in.

Can't we figure out who wrote the Print Dialog part of the current LO
Version and ask him directly how I could hack it?


2013/8/14 Jan Holesovsky <>

Hi Ahmed,

Ahmed Hasnaoui píše v St 14. 08. 2013 v 11:21 +0200:

Is there no one who as any idea how to hack the LO print dialog, to
create a custom one?
Have you seen the questions from Ahmad and Caolan?  Without answering
them, I am afraid nobody is able to help you :-( - we need to know what
you are trying to achieve, and in case there was something that used to
work for you, but does not do any more, what _exactly_ that 'something'

All the best,


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