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On 8/13/2014 1:18, Paul wrote:
Hi Mark,
Normally, localization is done by having a plain text file with all the
application strings in it, and this file is simply copied and each
string translated for each different language. Then at run time the
application knows which locale it is in, and looks in the appropriate
file for all the translated application strings. But they can just as
easily be stored in the database, though.

I18N (Internationalizing) for user interface labels is relatively easily done in most languages, one way is to use gettext which is supported by a lot of programming languages.
Doing I18N for database tables is another story, a few years ago I 
looked around for support of I18N support for database tables and at the 
time I didn't find any, have you found one?  The storing of the I18N 
data is relatively easy, but how to access that from the application 
depending on user login in and how to fall back to a base language in 
case a value is not translated is not that easy (at least in my view:)).


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