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On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:56 AM, Avraham Hanadari<> wrote:
The fact that the table tool bar opens when I am in a table, but disappears whenever I move to surrounding parts of the page makes the entire page jump up and down in a most disturbing manner. I use tables a lot and would be
very happy if I could keep the table tool bar open all the time. I have
tried all sorts of settings, but nothing I have tried works.

Please! Can someone suggest how the table tool bar could be kept open on a
permanent basis?

I, too, find it irritant. I dock the table, image and other similar toolbars to the bottom of the screen so my text doesn't dance around when I move the cursor in and out of tables (and numbering lists...).
As for installing some of those icons permanently, I have done once what 
is the second best thing for a toolbar that I often use, the bullets and 
numbering toolbar:
– In a personal toolbar, I install a copy of the icons I use regularly. 
Because it's a personal toolbar, it stays on the screen as long as I 
want it.
– I have emptied the bullets and numbering toolbar so there is only one 
icon in it. I have docked it to he right side of the standard toolbar.
The result: My personal toolbar, which almost mimics the original 
bullets and numbering toolbar is always there on the left side of the 
screen, along with a few formatting icons. The bullets and numbering 
toolbar pops in and out, but it's only one icon long and sits to the 
right of the standard toolbar, so my text doesn't dance.


Michel Gagnon – <>
Montréal (Québec, Canada) – <>

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