On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Marc Paré <marc@marcpare.com> wrote:
Le 2011-01-07 14:27, Carl Symons a écrit :
this is nifty! Much cooler than a conventional brochure.
Here's another design that looks
promising...http://www.zurqui.com/crinfocus/paper/airplane.html. Based
on the video, the folds don't require guidelines, but doesn't preclude
them either. The tail assembly could be a metaphor for the ability of
LibO applications to operate separately. Just a thought; it doesn't
make sense to get sidetracked/bikeshedded into just the right design.
Marc, I don't get that design refinement is the issue, but rather
advice on how to launch. Do you launch vertically? I was trying to
throw the plane horizontally.
It'd be cool if the writing all got folded inside and the final
product had a sleek look with tasty graphics elements.
Hi Carl:
I had looked at this design but on another site. I wouldn't be surprised if
Ben had looked at this one as well. I would try to keep to a design with as
fewer steps as possible. The design that you point to has 24 steps from
start to end. The more steps included in the design, the narrower your
market gets due to its complexity and time to complete. People would simply
not have time to make it at the booth or at a lunchroom table. It also
strays from the common knowledge of the "simple" paper airplane
construction. It does fly further though.
To me, the design that Ben has suggested fits our needs. It has few
instructions and has enough paper territory on it to provide multi-use
messages. We could tailor the content to different usage.
As for flying, you just have to point the nose a little down (angle) and the
smaller wings (tails) at the back will give it updraft. You should have to
play with the smaller wings to try to get it to fly the way you want ...
which will help deliver our message more than once. The instruction set and
medium flight length is enough to involve youngsters to adults and at the
same time we get enough space for our message to get through.
We could add some more graphics, but I think less is more. I tried to make
the 6 modules to flow towards the end of the plane (exhaust) and on the one
side the LibreOffice with logo act as the cockpit window. I was trying to
get a similar cockpit window on the other side but it just didn't look right
from our point of view, the logo ended up at the wrong end.
I could work on some other design and content. Anyone if free to modify and
test out on their own. It's kind of a fun exercise.
I will follow Ben's lead on the licence for the plane and instruction sheet.
I support whatever you come up with. It would be easy to get into
design by committee, and derail this thing. You and Ben have put some
quality work into this. No need to tamper with that. I especially like
the paper plane as a brochure. With regards to the paper clutter
issue, these may end up on the exhibit floor; a lot of conventional
brochures just get thrown into the trash.
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