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With the help of the *Brazilian team*, an effort to organize an international version of LibreOffice Magazine has been created.
If you are interested in participating, on a regular basis, to the 
production of the "LibreOffice Magazine International" (the 
international EN version) please feel free to sign-up on this page[1]. 
As there are many different posts to fill, it would greatly help if you 
could let us know of any skills that you wish to bring to the project. 
Feel free to view the "LibreOffice Magazine Brasil -- Collaborators 
<>" page for an 
example of some of the tasks that you may be able to fill. We should 
also acknowledge the Brazilian team who has offered its help and 
expertise with the production/structure of the magazine.
You must be willing to use the LibreOffice suite as the tool of choice 
for the full production -- Writer and Draw are the modules most used in 
the production of the magazine. The LibreOffice suite is the tool by 
which the magazine will showcase its abilities to serve as a 
professional tool.



Marc Paré

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