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Hi Lior!

Thanks for your lightning fast reply ...

Am Montag, den 05.09.2011, 19:51 +0300 schrieb Lior Kaplan:
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Christoph Noack
<> wrote:
        > Looks reasonable to me. Pushed now to master.

        @ Lior: Do you think the proposal by Liz might fit better (and
        does meet
        l10n requirements in terms of length)? Otherwise, I'm fine
        (and thankful
        for your tweak).

I tried to keep the string as short as possible. Your/Liz's suggestion
sounds OK, but I think it's a bit long (trying to visualize it on the

Anyone has  another opinions on this ?
Oh, let's simply keep the new string if it fits from you point-of-view.
My main aim was to hint towards existing information that might have
been helpful here.

Concerning the latter, it would be great if you could CC the mailing
list libreoffice-ux-advice if (hard to discuss) string proposals pop up.
Maybe we/I can provide hints to discussion from OOo UX times.

Since I have another question, I'd like to move that discussions to that
mailing list (no subscription required) and like to ask you, whether a
terminology database / glossary is available for UI stuff. Is this
something the l10n team is working on? Terminology is terribly important
and it would be immensely helpful for UX / UI stuff to have a shared
resource for Documentation / Translation / Design.



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