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Hi Christian, *
On 04/02/2011 20:22, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Sophie, *,

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Sophie Gautier<>  wrote:
On 04/02/2011 19:35, Sergios T.S.(aka linuxman) wrote:
Hi to all .
Because I can't find the way to make popup window for images using the
Lightbox mode , or some way similar to open big image from small image
with link . [...]
You mean something like that, where you click on the small image?
more something like this:
ok, ok, so it's a matter of boxes :-) But I don't see what is the 
difference (well I was lazy enough to not look at the implementation) 
but unless the presentation in line (that may be the boxes) is there 
differences? And why is it named colorbox?
Kind regards
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