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Hello Pedro,

Le Sun, 26 Jun 2011 14:21:25 -0700 (PDT),
plino <> a écrit :

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
But let me ask it
again: why should it not be the right file format for LibreOffice?
Fonts embedding cannot be the only one feature that will help us
break the dominant vendor's monopoly, can it?

Because any document that allows the use of different fonts and
relies on them to be displayed as expected needs to have the ability
to embed fonts. No, ODF already has the most important feature:
vendor independence. But if the dominant vendor includes a feature
and it is critical for some type of documents, not including it is a
handicap. And it can become a serious barrier for wide adoption.
I don't necessarily agree on that -MS OOXML includes features you don't
find inside ODF but few people even know they are there- but while this
feature is important to you I strongly feel  that it's something
very, very few MS Office users know about...

Regarding your demonstration Cases: Case A is a non-issue. If users
decide to ignore instructions and use it incorrectly is it the OASIS
or TDFs fault? Should microwave manufacturers not sell microwaves
because someone in the future might have the brilliant idea of drying
their cat in it?
Oh, there are lawsuits like that every month. Remember there are record
labels suing BitTorrent just because it can be used to download music?

Case B: if in a given device fonts are not displayed properly (the
software should warn about that)
But in the case of TextEdit, it doesn't, and good luck to have Apple
fix that.

then ODF is still doing it's most
important job i.e. making sure the contents are displayed in a
readable way.

That is right.

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
If you want absolute layout fidelity use PDF. That's the reason it's
been designed, not ODF.
PDF is used for keeping printing fidelity.
layout fidelity. Which means printing fidelity and visual fidelity, not
only for printing.

It's not an editable
format. Should I make my presentations using a PDF?

What you can do is export your presentations under PDF. Many people do

Following that reasoning I should use PPT for my presentations
"That's the reason it's been designed, not ODF"
Here's the glitch: You would have to set that specific option for PPT.
If you send it to me maybe I won't be able to read them.

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Do you have any idea what it takes to spread the use of a format?
No, I don't. But can you accept that it probably takes longer to
accept a format that has limitations than if the format is superior
to the one it's replacing?

Except that these "limitations" do not seem to be crucial for many
people.But to come back to spreading the use of a format: its features
are not what will make the format's use spread (in the office documents
context), it's the choice of applications + the adoption policy +
raising the awareness + ecosystem development + change management
inside organizations using it . 

How long will it take mkv to replace avi? Not much I guess ;)

Bad example, I think. .avi is not dependent on a dominant player
imposing the use of its own formats. How long will it take to .ogg to
replace .mp3 or .m4a?



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