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Hi :)
If you have had any experience with twitter and would like to gain more
skills in it then an opportunity has arisen to help maintain the
LibreOffice Twitter account.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 24 April 2014 17:47, Zeki Bildirici <> wrote:

15 Nis 2014 20:00 tarihinde "Zeki Bildirici" <>

I still have been waiting someone to take over a maintain the
@AskLibreOffice twitter account.
(it currently has 315 followers and wont be hard to increase - posting
"Answer of the day will be very very good )

Volunteers from QA has already taken over the bugzilla twitter account...

I really have no time to maintain this account. And it will be very
nice if  someone from ask team or another volunteer to take this

Maintaining this account is relatively simple. Limited interaction and
mostly resulting to direct users to "ask their questions through our
ask portal"

Other points are already stated in marketing pad. Copyig here for lazy
ppl :)

       Guideline to LibreOffice Twitter Account Administrators

- Maintain the automatic streams

- Respond to interactions

- Responding to mentions is a key point and the basic principle is being
- Empathy is another key pointi thus try to understand angry and whining
- If someone is angry about a known problem, don't avoid to say that
"we are sorry about your problem"

- Canalize people to related channels of user support ie. ask site,
bugzilla, user list, wiki etc.

- Don't reply to swearing or rude trolls

- Promote announcements and LibreOffice

- Promote community and invidiual users. Giving #ff(Follow Friday)'s
to contributors twitter accounts will increase the motivation

- Do some public relations(PR) stuff:

- Do regular search with #LibreOffice hashtag and other keywords for
example "LibreOffice crashes" may be good for bugzilla account keeper
"How LibreOffice" will may work for ask site account keepers. Aslo
some search about Microsoft Office will work for example "Microsoft
Office expensive" search should  definetely has a good results to
promote LibreOffice - Just reply some users that "Hey why don't you
give a chance to LibreOffice it is free and a good alternative" etc.
also some related search about Microsoft Office products will work and
also "Microsoft Office alternative" search may be a good opportunity
promote LibreOffice.

- For ask keepers: try to post "Answer of the day -or- question of the
day" and for bugzilla keepers "Great fix, another bug bites the dust"
will keep the attention of followers. Also tip of the day will from
the wiki or documentation be a great post for followers

- Don't argue with anybody especcially with Apache OO's sarcasting or
targetting tweets

- Drive users to be proactive in community, like "Please submit a bug
report about this issue, this will help us to improve our product" or
"Please post your question to our ask site, our community will get the

- Always be positive and friendly to users and if there is a
non-solotion say that "We hope that this will be solved in near
future" or "We understand you"

- Microsoft Office is doing a very good job in their professionally
administrated twitter account, keep on eye them and get some new



Best regards,
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