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I do not use the PPA for LibreOffice.  I prefer to "manually" download 
whichever version of LO I want, when I want, for my laptops and desktops 
- Ubuntu and Windows.
Yes, some with Ubuntu 16.04LTS will want to use a PPA, but my question 
is if Ubuntu 16.04 would update LO and other packages sometime between 
now and 2021 when the support will stop.
As for a different reply, Ubuntu 16.04 was installed on my spare laptop 
and did not change LO 5.0.x to 5.1.x.  This is the first time that 
installing Ubuntu did not change the LibreOffice install if it was 
different.  Most of the time, it seems that I have a version of LO newer 
than what the OS has and I will have to reinstall a newer version of LO 
after the OS removed it for a previous version.  This was the first time 
that Ubuntu did not change LO to a different version.
On 04/26/2016 08:45 PM, Bruce Hohl wrote:
At some point during the life of 16.04 you may want to move to a newer
version of LO.
See this link for information on how to accomplish that.

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 7:34 PM, Tim Lloyd <> wrote:

Running Fedora with Gnome classic so no real correlation but...stoopid you have LO & firefox running in the same workspace? EG. I
have FF running in workspace 1 and LO in workspace 4. So when I need to
switch between the 2 apps I change workspaces. Just wondering if the
problem occurs if you have to switch workspaces?


On 27/04/16 09:26, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I am currently running 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04LTS [with MATE desktop] on 2
laptops.  I am currently have issues with my install of LO version
with areas in the "menu taskbars" graying out when I switch to its window
from a window like Firefox or other package that I am running.

I did not have this running Ubuntu 15.10.

I also wonder which version of LibreOffice Ubuntu 16.04 includes. I have
found that, in the past, no matter which LO version I have installed the
upgrading of Ubuntu removes my install and installs the one they have in
their repository. This did not happen this time, since my spare laptop had
LO 5.0.x and still has it.  The laptop I am typing from now has,
which I installed before I upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04.

So which version is included with the newest version of Ubuntu?

Since 16.04LTS will be supported through 2021, according to a e-news
report, will there be any "push" by LO/TDF to keep Ubuntu's repository
updated to the current LO versions from now till 2021 when this long term
supported Ubuntu OS will no longer be supported by Ubuntu's creators.

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